Neck Pain
Neck Pain Q&A
What are some of the most common causes of neck pain?
Neck pain is often caused by increased pressure and strain on neck muscles and other soft tissues that help support the neck and the cervical spine (the upper portion of the spine). Pressure can build up as a result of poor posture, some types of physical activity, carrying a heavy bag for a prolonged period, or sleeping with your neck twisted or unsupported. Other types of neck pain can occur as a result of injury, disc problems or diseases that affect the spine, including arthritis and cervical disc disease. Neck pain often spreads to the shoulders or back, sometimes radiating down the arm, and is a frequent cause of headaches. Some types of neck pain can even limit range of motion, causing your neck to feel stiff or painful when turning your head.
How does Dr. Lichy treat neck pain?
Dr. Lichy will take a medical history and perform an in-depth evaluation of your neck and your symptoms to determine the underlying cause of pain. He may also order diagnostic imaging to rule out or confirm some diagnoses. Once he has identified the cause, he'll develop a course of treatment that's customized to help you find relief. Treatments may include:
stretching and other exercises to relieve inflammation and improve range of motion
deep tissue massage to improve circulation and stimulate healing
application of hot and cold therapy to improve circulation and reduce stiffness
chiropractic adjustments to relieve impingements, subluxations and other issues that can cause neck pain and other symptoms
What can I do to prevent neck pain from occurring?
The best ways to prevent neck pain are to practice proper posture, incorporate ergonomic design whenever possible, stay active, maintain a healthy weight and see the chiropractor for regular checkups to prevent minor issues from developing into serious problems.

Isaac Lichy, DC
NYC Back Chiropractic