Improve your Golf swing and Tennis game
How can chiropractic care improve my golf swing?
Ever overextend a swing? Or bend funny to pick up a tee? Or even twisted your spine when going to pick up the golf bag on put it on your shoulder? Because of the series of intricate moves which accompany golf, players can “tweak” their backs regularly.
Visiting the Chiropractor can assist the body to get into the correct alignment, keeping the person’s swing in correct alignment as well. Pro athletes have boasted the powerful effects of chiropractic care for years and it can help any recreational player avoid common injuries and stresses. The body is key to the success of golf and players will need to make sure they are taking proper care of it.
How can this care improve my tennis game?
Tennis involves a great deal of repetitive motions and ballistic movements and because of this, the sport can cause both local and universal stress in the body. For instance, hard foot plants when running, stopping, and jumping are tied to not just foot stress but also ankle and knee stress as well as stress affecting an entire side of the body. This is a result of side-to- side forces and twisting movements. Continuously starting and stopping, speeding up and slowing down, overhead serves, and ground strokes can all put a large amount of stress on the knees, back, ankles, elbows, and shoulders. Chiropractic care focuses on both preventing and treating injuries associated with playing tennis. It is an excellent choice for tennis players and adjustments can be made regularly to prevent injury and improve strength and range of motion.
What can Dr. Lichy do for me at his practice?
Chiropractic adjustments used typically include manipulations of the neck, knee, spine, shoulder, ankle, and elbow. A chiropractor can also offer helpful advice on proper footwear, movement mechanics, racquet and club size and selection, playing surfaces, and different types of support braces. Dr. Lichy also offers T-Zone Vibration machine services which can increase flexibility and strength, improving control and accuracy. The device has also been shown to improve drive length, strength, stamina, healing time if an injury occurs, and stability.

Isaac Lichy, DC
NYC Back Chiropractic