Chiropractic Care
For many, chiropractic care offers a very effective drug-free, hands-on approach to addressing pain caused by disorders of the neuromusculoskeletal system. Using a blended strategy, Dr.Lichy’s broad diagnostic and treatment skills bring significant spinal improvement to patients suffering from acute or chronic pain, particularly back pain and neck pain. Dr. Lichy’s expertise in conservative, non-surgical, non-invasive therapies is a proven, first-line approach.
Evidence-based patient care is provided in three key phases:
- Diagnose: Isolate the pain source and identify the systemic causes
- Optimize: Treat affected areas to eliminate pain and improve overall function
- Prevent: Correct biomechanical problems through physical therapy and rehabilitation to reduce or eliminate postural and muscle imbalances.
Spinal manipulation, or chiropractic adjustment, are the more widely known procedures performed by chiropractic physicians. Restoring joint mobility through application of controlled force frees hypomobile, restricted joints of the pain and stiffness caused by trauma or wear to the surrounding tissue. In doing so, the inflamed tissue is given the opportunity to heal for long-term functional improvement.
Diagnosis and Evaluation
In evaluating the cause and treatment of your specific condition, Dr. Lichy will employ a combination of chiropractic, sports medicine, and physical therapy modalities. Clinical examination, laboratory testing, and diagnostic imaging will all be considered in designing your treatment plan. Rarely do chiropractic adjustments cause discomfort, though some mild soreness following treatment is normal and usually subsides in 12 to 48 hours.
For the vast number of physical disorders and injuries, a combined chiropractic, physical therapy, and sports therapy approach can lead to dramatic improvement in pain reduction, strength, and mobility. Dr. Lichy urges patients to explore the benefits of his combination therapy prior to relying on long-term drug regimens that mask pain or delay treatment, or more invasive surgery that brings risk and long-range recovery.
Should your condition warrant additional medical consultation, Dr. Lichy will readily refer you to the appropriate health care specialist for further evaluation and treatment.
Treat & Release Philosophy
While patients often express concern about being tied to chiropractic care for long periods of time, Dr. Lichy is dedicated to treating patients to optimization only. Patients are never pressured into unnecessary maintenance, but are welcomed back for follow-up care whenever needed.
Chiropractic Research
The tremendous potential, safety, value, and effectiveness of chiropractic treatment are widely proven to meet a range of medical concerns and healthcare challenges. Following are excerpts from leading chiropractic studies.
In Comparison to Other Treatment Alternatives
“Acute and chronic chiropractic patients experienced better outcomes in pain, functional disability, and patient satisfaction; clinically important differences in pain and disability improvement were found for chronic patients.”
– Haas et al. Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics. 2005
Patient Satisfaction
“Chiropractic patients were found to be more satisfied with their back care providers after four weeks of treatment than were medical patients. Results from observational studies suggested that back pain patients are more satisfied with chiropractic care than with medical care. Additionally, studies conclude that patients are more satisfied with chiropractic care than they were with physical therapy after six weeks.”
-- Hertzman-Miller et al. American Journal of Public Health. 2002
Popularity of Chiropractic
“Chiropractic is the largest, most regulated, and best recognized of the complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) professions. CAM patient surveys show that chiropractors are used more often than any other alternative provider group and patient satisfaction with chiropractic care is very high. There is steadily increasing patient use of chiropractic in the United States, which has tripled in the past two decades.”
– Meeker, Haldeman. Annals of Internal Medicine. 2002

Isaac Lichy, DC
NYC Back Chiropractic